10mm French

Topics about miniatures and how to paint them
Messages : 7
Enregistré le : sam. 9 mai 2020 10:12

10mm French

Message par madaxeman » lun. 25 mai 2020 21:40

Can you believe that I've never owned any Napoleonic figures, played any Napoleonic games or even read any books about the Napoleonic Wars? I mean, I've not even watched a single episode of Sharpe!

But, finally the inevitable has caught up with me, and with the help of a nudge from the arrival of a set of rules which more than one person at my club might potentially agree to play (in the form of Bataille Empire) I have finally taken the plunge and dipped my toe into Napoleon's wars.

Of course, being respectful of the principles of Napoleonic gaming in which every player must have their own individual approach to rules, scale, basing, terminology history, uniform and painting I had to find a means of doing something unique and (in some way at least partly) incompatible with my clubmates - so with everyone else already having 15-18mm troops based for Blucher, FoGN and various other sets I went my own way and built an army in 10mm with a large investment in Pendraken lead in the form of a French starter army picked up at Warfare 2019. I then topped this up with a few more orders from the nice chaps at Pendraken and added in a couple of extra purchases from Old Glory and The Wargaming Company (both made at Cold Wars 2020 just before Lockdown struck) to leave me with the daunting painting challenge of maybe 500+ foot and mounted figures to do under Lockdown conditions, hopefully to leave me with a viable Bataille Empire army that is still utterly different to the stuff owned by the people I'll be (eventually) playing.


I took a load of photos through the painting process, and learnt quite a lot about painting 10mm massed, uniformed figures as well - all of which is is now online on Madaxeman.com on a page with about 70 photos of the WiP and finished army, as well as my thoughts and learnings from the near-industrial process of getting them all done.


The link to the article is here : https://www.madaxeman.com/main/10mm_Nap ... French.php

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Re: 10mm French

Message par Titi » mar. 26 mai 2020 17:56

Hi Tim
Very impresive French army :D

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Vieux Fritz
Chef de bataillon
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Enregistré le : jeu. 3 janv. 2019 19:45

Re: 10mm French

Message par Vieux Fritz » sam. 20 juin 2020 15:26

very nice army!
i don't have this scale in my armys but i think for this period is a good choice!
And you have painting an oponnent army?
"Quand mes soldats commenceront à réfléchir, aucun d'eux ne voudra rester dans les rangs."
Friedrich der Große
