Bataille Empire Open day 3 – Halifax Sunday July 21st, 2024

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Adrian Steer
Messages : 210
Enregistré le : ven. 4 sept. 2020 20:17

Bataille Empire Open day 3 – Halifax Sunday July 21st, 2024

Message par Adrian Steer » sam. 20 janv. 2024 11:10

This is the third in a series of one day’s competitions in the UK (the second is pencilled in but awaiting confirmation of the venue), aiming to meet to provide two functions, firstly taster sessions for new players who may not even have the rules or suitable figures where I and possibly others would walkthrough a game with them. Secondly the more experience players would be paired up on the basis that they are from different clubs or not played each other this year as much as possible. The players would then be allowed to decide between themselves which armies they fight with, ideally within the overall theme. This is to overcome the rigid two teams in the 2023-day events. Two games a day and awards will be presented at the end of the year.

Venue : Halifax Club at their club, Belgrave Social Club. 277 Claremount Rd, Halifax, HX3 6AW
Date : Sunday July 21st 2024, 9am arrival for a 9 :30am start
Format : Any Army from the year 1812
Details : Pre set tables set by organisers using system compliant with the rules, 2* 3.5 hour games - hard stop at end.
Price : Free.

For more details and entry go to the website/Facebook page :
Or contact the BE event organiser who will email you the details.
