Alternative Army List Program

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Enregistré le : ven. 29 nov. 2019 20:55

Re: Alternative Army List Program

Message par RogerGreenwood » sam. 29 juin 2024 17:00

There is a new version now available. The file menu now includes an option to load a file from a CSV file. If you have a list in the 'official' English spreadsheet for army lists, chooses to 'Save As' a CSV file.

Open the Alternative Army List Program, and under the file menu choose to load from CSV and select the file you have saved as a CSV file. This should load the list and it can be worked on and saved as any other list.

Any comments or issues please report them here. I have tested this successfully on several files created by other players. Loading from a format devised by another programmer is never guaranteed. However, if you have not disrupted the spreadsheet by editing in the 'wrong areas' there should not be any issues.
