I will post this on Facebook as well but would like to pick your collective brains please.
It concerns opportunity charges in the particular case of a cavalry unit being on the flank of an infantry unit within 4 UD but outside 2UD. When the infantry unit's division is activated the cavalry unit has the option to opportunity charge and does so. If the infantry unit chooses the option to flee it can escape the charging unit as it first moves 2UD putting it outside the charging units charge distance ( page 39) of 4UD. Then as the infantry unit it's not caught can continue to move. Doesn't seem right but its what it says!
Am I missing something?
Flank Opportunity charge question
- Capitaine
- Messages : 215
- Enregistré le : ven. 4 sept. 2020 20:17
Re: Flank Opportunity charge question
If you flee, you are disordered, lose a cohesion, take an action marker and cannot move to within tactical of anyone.
You basically wish you could flee further
You basically wish you could flee further
- Capitaine
- Messages : 215
- Enregistré le : ven. 4 sept. 2020 20:17
Re: Flank Opportunity charge question
No quite what I was asking Dan
Re: Flank Opportunity charge question
So I see the resolution is a mis-translation and the 4 UD is the triggering range and once it is triggered it is a normal charge.
c'est bon
c'est bon
- Capitaine
- Messages : 215
- Enregistré le : ven. 4 sept. 2020 20:17
Re: Flank Opportunity charge question
Yes that make most sense and is what people are doing, the only slight cavate I have is that the triggering distance seems to be measured as per charge distance that is from the furthers corner of the charging unit to the closest point on the target unit, which is fine by me