There seems to be a mistake regarding the Polish foot artillery. The rules give the size of the Polish foot artillery batterie as moyenne/medium (p203). However in their book "Poles and Saxons of the Napoleonic Wars," Nafziger, Wesolowski and Devoe give a size of 6 pieces of artillery (4 guns and 2 howitzers, except perhaps for the 12pdr batterie with just 6 guns), which corresponds to petite/small under the rules.
I hope this helps
The Pologne / Duchy of Warsaw list
Re: The Pologne / Duchy of Warsaw list
So without checking I would have instinctually said, no. The Polish were built on the French model and would have 8 gun batteries. But as you say the Nafziger data for 1812 says 6 guns.
I do always like to cross check Nafziger because some times in his enthusiasm his data is not reviewed sufficiently. But Bowden has 6 guns for 1813.
I do always like to cross check Nafziger because some times in his enthusiasm his data is not reviewed sufficiently. But Bowden has 6 guns for 1813.